hey guys it's anita tee from factvsfitness.com today we're going to be having a little chat about acne and acommon cause of it that you can actually use at home in order to improve yourskin and help your acne acne is a really common problem especially in teenagersalso in adults and it occurs across a wide range of demographics and let'sface it it's a no brainer nobody likes acne and overhaul is juststink so the topic of today's video is going to be discussing a common causeand contributor known in science but maybe not known as much by the generalpublic and that's zinc zinc has a massiverelationship with acne in fact several
studies have shown that acne patientsvery very often have low levels of serum zinc when tested as a nutritionist it'snot such a surprise the daily recommended intake of zinc ranges from 8to 11 milligrams depending on your age and genderhowever it's estimated that approximately three-quarters of peopledo not meet this daily intake the connection between zinc and acne hasactually been repeatedly shown in studies when they supplemented zinc andit's improved people's skin and overall acne in fact some studies have actuallyshown zinc to be as useful as systemic tetracycline drugs so it's as useful asthese pharmaceutical drugs which is
amazing for an all natural mineral to beable to do the mechanism of how zinc is involved in acne is not fully understoodhowever there's three common theories that i'd like to share with you guystoday the first one is a hormonal acne theory this is especially applicable toteenagers or anyone experiencing a hormonal imbalance this theory is basedon acne being caused by an excess of androgens in your body particularlydihydrotestosterone or dht which is particularly known to be involved inacne what zinc is able to do is is actually able to block the conversion oftestosterone to dht therefore clearing your skin the second mechanism is thatzinc can actually act directly on the
microbial strains in your body involvedin acne so it can act directly on your bacteria that are involved in these acneprocesses this is huge because it means that supplementing with zinc is bothimproving the root cause and the of your acne the third series i think isactually depleted during times of stress as it's needed for repair this issignificant if you get stressed out of work or during exams or anything elseand you notice breakouts during that time that can actually be a goodindicator that you may have a sink insufficiency or deficiency regardingforms of supplementation zinc sulfite has actually shown to be more effectivefor severe acne & masaya 9 bouncing to
be more effective for mild to moderateacne if you guys are wanting to up your zincintake but aren't so into supplementation this can also be donethrough another way the magic of food by increasing zinc rich foods such aspumpkin seeds moister toffee nuts or my personal favorite cocoa powder which iput on absolutely everything you guys can actually increase your zinc levelsand help clear your skin improve your acne and be beautiful from the insideand outside thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed the video and i hopethat i was able to help you think a little bit more about your acne if youguys want to sign this on your side to
give you the real facts about health andnutrition subscribe to my channel below and give this video a thumbs up see youguys next time
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